Hon. Lawrence Irving

(NOTE:  This is a selective biography, written in June 2010.)

Date of Birth: 2/16/35, San Diego, CA

Spouse:  Frances   Children: Scott, Craig

Education:  B.S. Business Administration, USC (1959); L.L.B. USC Law School (1963).  Admitted to California Bar in 1963.

Work:  Higgs, Fletcher & Mack; Jones, Tellam, Irving & Estes; Irving & Butz; Former Director/Secretary WD-40 Company; former Director, Bank of San Diego.

Bench: U.S. District Court, Southern District of California (1982-1990).

Bar/other:  Fellow, American College of Trial Lawyers; ABOTA (President, San Diego Chapter, 1972); SDCBA (Board, 72-75); Chair, Gov. Wilson’s Judicial Screening Committee/San Diego; Chair, Sen. Boxer Federal Judicial Screening Committee (So. Dist.); Judicial and U.S. Attorney Advisory Committee (So. Dist., 2001-08); 1990 Trial Judge of the Year, San Diego Trial Lawyers; 1990 ACLU Civil Libertarian of the Year; Witkin Award (Law Library Justice Foundation, 2001); SDCBA Outstanding Service Award (2002). Appointed as Guardian ad Litem for Class settlement re U.S. Halliburton case (2004-05); mediation and consulting since 1992.